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Culture is the key
to unlocking your organisation's greatest potential

The connection between improving results, reducing risks and optimising your organisation's effectiveness 
is culture.

Regardless of your industry, organisation size, location, or what you do, your success starts and ends with people and that requires an intentional focus on culture and leadership.


HENRY REED supports boards, directors, CEOs and business owners to achieve positive culture impact.

HENRY REED are specialists in supporting organisations with complex culture and leadership issues. 


We partner with our clients to understand their organisation culture and support them to optimise opportunities for creating competitive advantage, mitigating risks from behaviours, and delivering improved financial and non-financial results.


At HENRY REED, we believe in culture impact over culture activity, and the importance of leveraging culture as a strategy. 

We take a holistic approach to 
understanding, designing and embedding culture to achieve the desired culture impact.

Model of Organisational Effectiveness

To achieve organisational effectiveness, it is essential to understand the foundations, frameworks and impacts on employee behaviour.


Culture is often described as ‘the way we do things around here’. It is unique to every organisation and is the ‘magic’ that, when optimised, delivers results, mitigates risks and creates competitive advantage. 


Our holistic approach to Culture and Leadership is guided by our proprietary Model of Organisational Effectiveness which links the elements that are essential for creating a workforce that is engaged, aligned and accountable.


Book a time for a free one-on-one consultation to explore the opportunities for your organisation, your leaders and your team.

When culture is intentionally managed,
risks are reduced and organisations become more effective.

When markets are changing, operational costs are increasing, recruiting and retaining the right people is tough, and legislative compliance places the responsibility for workplace environments on directors and officers, a strategic focus on culture is essential. 

Our culture and leadership solutions provide independent, unbiased, evidence based insights and pragmatic solutions to ensure measurable results are achieved. We work collaboratively with our clients to ensure effective solutions and positive return on investment.


  • Rapid Growth

  • Change of Leadership

  • Mergers & Acquisitions

  • Strategic, operational or technological change

  • Declining performance

  • Change in market conditions

  • Compliance Breaches

  • Increased internal or external complaints


Leveraging culture
is important when experiencing:

Investing in culture provides measurable benefits.


We believe an organisation's
success starts with culture ...

... and great culture is created by design
not default.

Poor culture can result in:

  • non-compliance

  • high staff turnover

  • disengagement

  • reputation damage

  • loss of competitive advantage

  • failure to implement change or achieve results

  • lack of innovation and discretionary effort

  • and more


Beyond the human cost, these are also costly to an organisation.

The culture an organisation creates or allows to evolve provides the framework for their people - how they choose to act, make decisions and relate to each other.


Poor cultures often result in poor decisions and the domino effect can be crippling.


Leaving culture to its own accord is risky business.


So, how do you know if your culture is working for you or against you?


Taking an internal view of the culture you work in, the culture you lead and the culture you have contributed to creating can be difficult, confronting and result in a blinkered or biased view.

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