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A passion for people
and culture impact
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We believe that optimising the experience of work has a significant positive impact on organisations and individuals.​
Despite some misconception,
HENRY REED is not a person but a group of talented consultants, advisors, and coaches who are passionate about making a difference to organisations and individuals to ensure everyone’s success at work. We do this through a focus on culture and leadership.

To best explain why we do what we do, we feel it's important to share the foundations of our own company culture....
Our Vision
For all people who work to experience personal fulfilment, and for all organisations to prioritise people to optimise impact.
Our Purpose
To disrupt workplace norms to elevate the experience of work, so that people can be the best version of themselves in all aspects of life.

Meet the Team
Lead by Founder and CEO, Georgia Henry the HENRY REED Team of experienced senior specialists, advisors and coaches are highly qualified in culture transformation, human resources practices, organisational design and development, psychology and organisational behaviours, leadership, emotional intelligence, and design thinking.

Have confidence
in engaging us to support your organisation knowing that ...

We are experts in our field.
We are a reputable supplier.
Our pricing is competitive.
We meet all our insurance and statutory obligations.
Discover how we can drive meaningful culture impact and achieve great results for you...​
More About Us
Our affiliations and awards
Femeconomy Member
Australian Small Business Champion Finalist 2023, 2022
Australian Women's Small Business Champion Finalist 2022
HENRY REED is an approved Local Buy supplier to local government, state and territory governments, federal government, not-for-profits, statutory bodies and government owned corporations through the Local Buy contracts BUS278, LB309 and LB328 for the provision of services in categories of:
Change Management
Strategic + Organisation Planning
Human Resources
Workplace Relations
Training + Development
Business Management + Consulting
People + Wellbeing