The world is experiencing unprecedented global disruption and while shut-downs and isolation are a necessary part of containment, the impact on business and employees is significant.
Will this make or break your organisation?
Business As Usual Is Unusual
For most organisations, ‘business as usual’ is no longer possible. At times like this, the question for many business owners, CEOs, executive leaders and directors is, “How do we minimise the impact on our business and most importantly care for our employees?”
Once organisations have moved past the immediate response to government and health directives and implemented changes to keep their employees, their customers and their business partners safe the focus shifts to, what next?
It is essential not to lose focus of the long game when making immediate decisions in times of crisis. The reality is, that after a period of significant disruption, organisations will need to be able to recover as quickly as possible when conditions change again.
Business Disruption
Discussions this week with many of my clients have been around how to support and engage those employees who may not be able to come to a workplace and who cannot do their normal work from home. The impact of this goes across industries, business size, business operations and will affect every organisation in some way.
Disruption of this scale can be devastating but also provides an opportunity for businesses to focus resources on business improvement, innovation, preparing for a different future and flexible ways of working. It is also essential for employees’ wellbeing, mental health and financial security for them to remain engaged, adding value and contributing their expertise to their employer.
Business Improvement
This is the time for leaders to reimagine what that can look like. The true opportunity for adding value through disruption is in innovation, business improvement and business readiness for recovery.
Organisation can re-focus on business objectives that are difficult to achieve when business as usual does not allow the time for proactive and value adding activities. Some suggestions include:
Leadership Development including coaching and workshops
Facilitating brainstorming sessions to overcome challenges and roadblocks
Process improvement projects
Creatively gathering and sharing knowledge of employees
Moving forward with a culture improvement project!
HENRY REED can help you achieve all of these objectives and many others. Our business has been working with organisations around Australia for the past 3 years using a unique combination of technology from an online client portal for communication, document sharing and project management, Calendly for automated meeting bookings and Zoom for virtual meetings, workshops, focus groups and interviews.
We are currently continuing to work with clients to complete culture audits, culture design workshops, focus groups, leadership development and coaching programs, supporting culture change and providing business advisory services all by thinking creatively and taking it online.
Business Recovery & Sustainabilty
Right now, many of our clients are also looking at creative ways of doing business differently and I see this as an opportunity for all organisations to build competitive advantage. I believe that ‘future of work’ is upon us and the impact of flexibility, remote work, technology solutions, and the importance of organsations being able to adapt is essential for business sustainability. An organisation’s ability to do this must be supported by it’s culture, leadership and ability to change.
If taking advantage of this global disruption to minimise impact on employees and business sustainability is of interest then I would love to have a conversation with you about how we may be able to support your organisation.
Normally I would suggest a “coffee catch-up” as I believe face to face meetings are an important part of effective communication, connection and understanding. Let's still do this, because where ever you are in the world we can make this work online! I have included a link for you to book a virtual coffee meeting ... I'll bring my coffee and you bring yours and we can work on the solutions for your organisation! Book a Complimentary Coffee Catch Up
Of course, you can always call HENRY REED at anytime on 1300 266 995 or phone me directly on +61414808060.
Take care and stay safe